Determining the Form Definition and the Page Definition
To format and print the job, you need to specify page definition and form definition
resources. In the example, the following resources are used:
formdef F1A10110, a standard form definition, provided with PSF for AIX
pagedef P1A08682, a standard page definition, provided with PSF for AIX
Running the ACIF Job
You can run the ACIF job using one of the following methods:
Use a parameter file that contains the parameters and values needed for the
application. To run the acif command with a parameter file named PARMFILE,
you would enter:
acif parmdd=PARMFILE
Enter the acif command, parameters and values on the command line or in a
shell script. For the example application you would enter:
acif cc=yes cctype=z chars=42B2 cpgid=85... and so forth (continuing by
entering all of the remaining parameters and values)
See “Examples” on page 49 for examples of running ACIF from the
command line. For information on creating and running shell scripts, refer
IBM Print Services Facility for AIX: AIX for Users of Print Services
The acif command then processes the parameters that you have specified on the
command line, in the parameter file, or in the shell script.
ACIF Output
With the example, the ACIF job creates the following output files in the current
OUTDOC The document file, including indexing structured fields
INDXOBJ The index object file
RESDATA The resource file
acif.msg The message file listing, including the ACIF parameters used, the
resources used, and the return code
To view the document file on a workstation using Workbench Viewer, you must first
concatenate the index object file, the resource file, and the document file.
Concatenating ACIF Output Files
The following are examples of shell commands you can use to perform the
concatenation of the index object file, the resource file, and the document file.
Note: To view the concatenated file with Workbench Viewer, it is important that
the index object file is first, followed by the resource file, and then the
document file. The document file must be the last data in the concatenated
62 ACIF User’s Guide