
structured field. A self-identifying, variable-length,
bounded record that can have a content portion that
provides control information, data, or both.
syntax. The rules and keywords that govern the use of
a programming language.
tag. A type of structured field used for indexing in an
AFP document. Tags associate an index attribute -
value pair with a specific page or group of pages in a
trigger. Data values for which ACIF searches, to
delineate the beginning of a new group of pages. The
first trigger is then the anchor point from which ACIF
locates the defined index values. See
anchor point
typeface. (1) A specific type style, such as Helvetica
or Times New Roman. (2) One of the many attributes
of a font, others, for example, being size and weight.
(3) A collection of fonts, each having a different height
or size of character sets. See also fonts.
typographic font. A typeface originally designed for
typesetting systems. Typographic fonts are usually
proportionally spaced fonts.
Viewer application. An application on AFP
Workbench that runs under WIN-OS/2 or Microsoft
Virtual Machine. A functional simulation of a computer
and its associated devices.
Virtual Storage Extended. The notion of storage
space that can be regarded as addressable main
storage by the user of the computer system in which
addresses are mapped to real addresses.
VM. Virtual Machine.
VSE. Virtual Storage Extended.
Workbench Viewer. See Advanced Function
Presentation Workbench for OS/2 and Windows
Glossary 205