
running on it. You may need to show these messages to your system
programmer for assistance from time to time.
How This Publication Is Organized
This publication contains information pertaining to ACIF support for AIX, OS/390,
MVS, VM, and VSE operating environments supported by PSF. However, because
AIX users can invoke the PSF MSG command to view AIX messages on-line or
print them, the AIX messages have not been duplicated in this publication.
Part one contains information common to AIX, OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE.
Chapter 1, Planning Your AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility (ACIF)
Application presents an overview of tasks you can do with the ACIF
product, describes several related products, and describes system
considerations for using ACIF.
Part two contains information specific to AIX.
Chapter 2, Using ACIF Parameters in AIX describes the acif command,
including syntax rules, parameters, and their values.
Chapter 3, Example of an ACIF Application in AIX describes the steps for
developing an ACIF application for AIX.
Chapter 4, User Exits and Attributes of the Input Print File in AIX describes
the exits available in AIX for customizing ACIF.
Chapter 5, IBM AFP Fonts for ASCII Data provides a list of the fonts for
use with unformatted ASCII input data in AIX.
Part three contains information specific to OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE.
Chapter 6, Using ACIF in OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE provides sample
code for invoking ACIF in the OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE environments.
Chapter 7, Using ACIF Parameters in OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE
describes the parameters used for ACIF processing in the OS/390, MVS,
VM, and VSE environments.
Chapter 8, Example: ACIF Application in OS/390, MVS, VM, or VSE
describes the steps for developing an ACIF application.
Chapter 9, User Exits and Attributes of the Input Print File in OS/390,
MVS, VM, and VSE describes the exits available for customizing ACIF.
Chapter 10, ACIF Messages for OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE provides the
ACIF messages, with suggestions for responding to the errors.
The appendix section through the end of this publication contains more
information common to AIX, OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE.
Appendix A, Helpful Hints describes some considerations of using ACIF as
a front-end preprocessor for viewing, archiving, and retrieving information.
36 describes the structured-field information for indexing.
Appendix C, Format of the Index Object File describes the file that enables
applications to determine the location of a page group or page within the
MO:DCA-P print file, based on the indexing tags.
Appendix D, Format of the Output Document File shows the three separate
output files that ACIF can produce.
xiv ACIF User’s Guide