
This triplet contains the name of the page with which this IEL structured field is
associated. The name is the same as the FQN type X'01' on the BPG
structured field. This triplet applies only to page-level IEL structured fields.
FQN Type X'0D'
This triplet contains the name of the page group with which this IEL structured
field is associated. The name is the same as the FQN type X'01' on the BNG
structured field. This triplet applies only to group-level IEL structured fields.
Medium Map Page Number (X'56')
This triplet defines the relative page count since the last Invoke Medium Map
(IMM) structured field was processed or from the logical invocation of the
default medium map. In the case of page groups, this value applies to the first
page in the group. The value begins at 1 and is incremented for each page.
Tag Logical Element (TLE) Structured Field
ACIF creates TLE structured fields as part of its indexing process, or it can receive
these structured fields from the input print file. When ACIF creates TLE structured
fields, the first TLE structured field is INDEX1, the next TLE structured field is
INDEX2, and so on, to a maximum of eight per page group. When ACIF processes
a print file that contains TLE structured fields, it always outputs the TLE structured
fields in the same order and position. The TLE structured fields in this object are
exactly the same as those in the output document file, and they follow the IEL
structured field with which they are associated.
End Document Index (EDI) Structured Field
ACIF assigns a null token name (X'FFFF') to this structured field, which forces a
match with the BDI structured field name.
194 ACIF User’s Guide