ACD (automatic call distribution) 10
Actions pull-down menu 28
Activity window
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch, for 32
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch, for 33
ROLM 9751 switch, for 34
additional CallCoordinator for Windows features 2
agent activity status, indicating
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch, for 32
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch, for 33
ROLM 9751 switch, for 34
answering calls
displaying CallCoordinator for Windows main window
on inbound calls, controlling 20
how to 43
Notes feature, using 44
other features, using 44
status messages, understanding 43
automatic call distribution (ACD) 10
Call Log
accessing 60
CCWin Call Log window, description of 64
clearing 86
clearing log 86
deleting entry 85
printing 85
saving log 86
data tracked 64
disabling 64
displaying 63
enabling 63
entry, deleting 85
filter, setting
date column 74
how to 71
notes column 78
party column 76
phone number column 77
time column 75
type column 73
Call Log
notes, adding 65
notes, opening 65
opening 64
overflow threshold, setting 80
printing 85
saving 86
settings, specifying
filter 71
overflow 80
sort 69
toolbar 82
view 68
sorting 69
toolbar, setting
how to 82
icons and text 83
icons only 84
no toolbar 83
text only 84
view, setting 68
view, sort, and filter, using together 79
CallCoordinator for Windows
description of 1
using CallCoordinator for Windows 24
using Windows 24
Call Log 2
coordinated voice and data transfer 3
intelligent answering 2
Note Pad 2
Personal Directory 2
QuickKeys 3
system directories, access to 3
telephone 1
help, getting 23
Host Application Transaction files, using 5
main window
comment line 10
displaying on inbound calls, controlling 20
menu bar 9, 27, 28, 60
moving 14
pushbuttons 9, 28, 61
screen mode, selecting 17
status messages 10
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994