
Using the View, Sort, and Filter Settings Together
You can use the view, sort, and filter settings together to further refine the output shown in your Call Log.
For example:
Use the view feature to exclude all columns except for Party, Date, and Time.
Use the sort feature to sort on Date.
Use the filter feature to retain only missed calls (from the Type column).
Your Call Log view, as a result, will consist of a list of missed calls, ordered by Date, but showing only
who the calling party was, and the date and time of the missed calls. You can then print this output.
Note: You can sort on a certain column but choose not to display it in your view. In the example just
described, even though Date was the sort column, you can exclude this column from your view if you
look at this kind of information each day. Your Call Log will then display the missed calls, but only show
who the calling parties were and the time of the missed calls.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 79