For example, your system administrator can create a HAT table to provide the intelligent answering
feature for you. The HAT table instructs CallCoordinator for Windows to do the following when your
telephone rings:
Access your business database.
Locate the caller’s account data there.
Display the account data on your screen.
The HAT table contains the instructions that CallCoordinator for Windows follows to do all of this,
including processing the caller information provided by your telephone system switch. (Typically, the
switch provides the caller’s telephone number.) You can have this feature on each line available to you
(up to four).
Your system administrator can also create a HAT table to give you a feature similar to intelligent
answering, but which activates when you make outbound calls. For example, when you dial a customer’s
number, CallCoordinator for Windows (by executing the instructions in the table) can display the
customer’s account data on your screen at the same time. It is in front of you before the customer
answers your call.
QuickKeys are also created as tables in a HAT file.
6 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide