
4. Scroll through the list of HAT table names in the Available HAT Names list box to find the one you
want, and click on it.
The table name that you select appears in the Currently Selected HAT box.
5. Click on OK.
The next time you access this window, the name of the last table you selected appears in the Currently
Selected HAT box.
The HAT table that you select performs the function that your system administrator intended for outbound
calling. The HAT table remains in effect until you change it, using the steps just described.
To stop using a HAT table when making calls, do the following:
1. Click on the Dial pushbutton to open the CCWin Dial Pad window.
2. Click on HAT on the CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar.
The HAT pull-down menu appears (see Figure 21 on page 40).
3. Click on Do not run HAT with Dial.
This selection stops the HAT table from running when making outbound calls.
Using Other Features after Dialing a Number
After you make a call, you can also use the following features from the CallCoordinator for Windows main
Hang Up Click on Hang Up to hang up your telephone.
Transfer Click on Transfer to transfer a call.
Conference Click on Conference to set up a three-way conference call.
Hold Click on Hold to place a caller on Hold.
Retrieve Click on Retrieve to reconnect to a caller on Hold.
Notes Click on Notes to use the note pad feature.
In the event a telephone feature is not available because your telephone system does not support it,
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the associated text, button, and icon in gray. You cannot select the
Using the Notes Feature
When you make a call, you can open the CallCoordinator for Windows note pad feature to take notes
while talking to the party you called. You can continue taking notes after hanging up. The notes that you
enter are stored by CallCoordinator for Windows.
Do the following to record a note during a telephone call:
1. Click on the Notes pushbutton.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 41