You can use the CallCoordinator for Windows telephone features from any of the telephone lines on your
set (four is the limit). Through CallCoordinator for Windows, you can also log on and log off your tele-
phone system switch, and indicate your activity status—just as you currently do from your telephone set.
See Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” for instructions on using all of the CallCoordinator for
Windows telephone features.
Notes Feature: CallCoordinator for Windows provides a note pad feature that enables you to take
notes while on the telephone with a caller. Your notes are stored by CallCoordinator for Windows and
easily retrieved through the Call Log.
See “Using the Notes Feature” on page 41 for instructions on using the CallCoordinator for Windows
Notes feature.
Call Log Feature: CallCoordinator for Windows provides a Call Log feature that collects data
about the calls you made, received, or missed. The data it collects includes the date and time of the call,
who the caller or called party was, the phone number, and the duration of the call. The Call Log also
indicates if you made any notes for the call. You can manage the Call Log data by, for example, sorting,
filtering, and printing it.
See “How to Use the Call Log” on page 63 for instructions on using this feature.
Personal Directory Feature: CallCoordinator for Windows enables you to set up your own per-
sonal (electronic) telephone directory. Called the Personal Directory, this feature simplifies making out-
bound calls to customers, as well as transferring calls to other agents and setting up three-way
conference calls.
See “How to Create Your Personal Directory” on page 87 for instructions on creating and maintaining
your Personal Directory. See Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” for instructions on using your
Personal Directory when making, transferring, and setting up three-way conference calls.
Customized CallCoordinator for Windows Features
Your system administrator can customize CallCoordinator for Windows so that you have available one or
more of the following additional features:
Intelligent answering
Coordinated voice and data transfer
Access to a system directory
These features are intended to enhance your call handling capability and your access to the computer
applications you use in your business—such as applications for handling sales calls, service calls, and so
Intelligent Answering: When your phone rings, CallCoordinator for Windows can automatically
retrieve the caller’s account data from your business database and instantly display it in your
window—even before you answer the call. This is called
intelligent answering
. You do not have to ask
2 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide