Filtering the Notes Column:
If you are filtering the Notes column, the Edit Filter box displays the
Filter Notes box (see Figure 44).
Do the following to filter the Notes column:
1. Enter the description of the note in the Filter box.
The description should match the descriptions entered in the CCWin Notes window.
2. Click on OK.
Figure 44. Call Log Filter Notes Box
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Filter Criteria accepted for Notes.
3. Click on OK.
4. Close the window, using the Windows control menu.
You may find filtering your notes useful for certain situations. For example, if you enter “call back” (in the
Description box of the CCWin Notes window) to remind yourself to follow up on certain calls, you can
filter through all such calls in your Call Log. Your filtered output will list all the persons that you need to
call back.
78 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide