
RRRR Unit reference code
ssss Serial number of failing unit
tttt Outboard failing unit type number (for example, 9337)
TTTT Type number or card identification number (hex 2xxx through
uuuu Unit specific data
V Additional SRC information exists
ZZZZ Reserved
Pxxx Machine type and model, where P is the machine type and xxx is
the model:
v If P=6, the type is 9406
v If P=4, the type is 9404
v If P=2, the type is 9402
MIGV EP General system status
For a description of the SRC, see Chapter 6, System Reference Code (SRC)
Informationon page 191.
Logical Partition Work with Partition Status System Reference Code
Descriptions and Actions: The following B2pp xxxx (where pp=partition ID)
system reference codes only appear on the Work with Partitions Status display.
They appear only in the Primary partition, and describe error conditions
encountered during the IPL sequence of secondary partitions. Press F10 to monitor
SRCs. Press F9 to see additional SRCs. Under the Display Partition Information
display, there is an option to display SRC history of up to 200 SRCs and their
additional words for one or all partitions.
LIC Detected Problem Reference Code Formats:
Table 42. SRC formats when LIC detects a problem
Word LIC Format 60 Data LIC Format 61 Data LIC Format 62 Data
1 A6xx RRRR B6xx RRRR B6xx RRRR
3 CCCC 0000 cccc cccc cccc cccc
4 BBBB Ccbb pppp pppp pppp pppp
5 @@@@ @@@@ qqqq qqqq qqqq qqqq
6 TTTT mmmm qqqq qqqq qqqq qqqq
7 ssss ssss qqqq qqqq BBBB Ccbb
8 NNNN 0000 qqqq qqqq TTTT mmmm
9 0000 0000 qqqq qqqq 0000 0000
Table 42 represents the formats for Licensed Internal Code (LIC) SRCs.
v Format 60 is used for LIC Attention SRCs.
v Format 61 is used when LIC detects a LIC programming problem.
v Format 62 is used when LIC detects an IOP Bus or IOP programming problem.
RRRR LIC unit reference code (URC).
198 Service Functions V5R2