
definition 329
SPCN (system power control
network) 231
addressing 232
hardware resources, displaying 50
informational concurrent maintenance
SRCs 201
informational SRC 166, 182
menu flow 232
option under hardware service
manager 55
primary node 231
reorder addressing
control panel function 170, 186
secondary node 231
speeds of IPL 159
display selected 162, 163, 177, 178
recommendations 217
select 163, 164
SRC (system reference code)
See also SRCs
0x-9xxx xxxx 193
0xxx xxxx 276
1–8xxx xxxx 276
1xxx 01xx 61
1xxx 05xx 61
9–Fxxx xxxx 276
A100 1933x 9
A100 8ABF 277
A1xx 300x 272, 275
A1xx 3022 170, 186, 272
A1xx 331E 275
A1xx 8008 168, 184
A600 500x 7, 9, 226
A6xx xxxx 193
A900 2000 305
B100 8ABF 277
B143 4999 193
B1xx xxxx 193, 275
B6xx xxxx, 193
C1xx xxxx 193
C6xx 44xx 270
C6xx 4xxx 275
C6xx xxxx 193
D1xx 3xxx 270, 275
D1xx xxxx 193
D6xx xxxx 193
description 197
descriptions and actions, Logical
Partition 198
for LIC 193
IPL state indicator (I) 195
IPL type last initiated indicator
(G) 195
main storage dump indicator
(M) 194
word 1 193
word 2 194
general description 191
general status 193
D1xx xxxx-DAxx xxxx 214
main storage dump 214
identifying 193
IPL status 193
C1xx xxxx-CAxx xxxx 201
SRC (system reference code) (continued)
IPL status (continued)
CPM 209
DST 210
MSD 209
LIC 199
LIC format 60, 61, 62 198
machine checks 193
main storage dump
0xxx xxxx 276
1–8xxx xxxx 276
9–Fxxx xxxx 276
A1xx 300x 272, 275
A1xx 3022 272
A1xx 331E 275
B1xx xxxx 275
C6xx 4xxx 275
D1xx 3xxx 270, 275
terminating SRC 275
main storage dump IPL
C6xx 44xx 270
MFIOP control storage dump
A18x 8AB0 173
A18x 8ABF 173
D1Cx 8AB0 173
operating intervention 193
B6xx SRCs 196
B9xx SRCs 196
service processor control storage
A18x 8AB0 190
A18x 8ABF 190
D1Cx 8AB0 190
SPCN informational, concurrent
1xxx 01xx-1xxx 09xx 201
status SRCs
IPL 221
diagnostic status 173, 189
system status 173, 189
SST (system service tools)
accessing SST 282
description 282
entering the start system service tools
(STRSST) command 283
function keys 289
options 283
start a service tool 283
work with active service
tools 284
work with alternate installation
device 42
work with disk units 284
work with diskette data
recovery 284
selecting SST from the problem
handling option 283
stand-alone environment 2
start a service tool
menu options (under DST)
product activity log (PAL) 100
display/alter/dump 28
hardware service manager 30, 45
start a service tool (continued)
options (continued)
Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
log 29
Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
trace 30
main storage dump manager 30
operator panel functions 31
performance data collector 32
product activity log 31
work with communications
trace 32
start a service tool option
under DST 28
start functions
CPU, system processor 171, 187
display status/resource name, option
under hardware service
manager 79
logical hardware resources 78
status information, service processor log
buffer (SPLB) 172
status SRCs
general 214
IPL 201
main storage dump 214
storage dump
See dump
storage management IPL status 200
storage management URCs 199
storage, work with save storage and
restore storage option 40
SUID (system unique identifier) 127
switchable resource indicator (/) 93
switchable resources
determining if a tower is configured
as switchable 149
determining the resource name and
HSL loop number of an HSL I/O
bridge 152
determining the SPCN (power)
controlling system of a tower 150
switching modes 156
switching ownership of 154
symbols on the hardware service
manager 93
system bus resources
on frames with a PCI system bus 81
system bus resources, displaying 79
system codes
overview 196
exception 196
reference 196
system configuration
system configuration list 93
system configuration list, printing 83
system console 129
locating system load source 129
system console indicator (<) 93
system devices, work with 25
system feature code
display 169, 185
system hardware level
display 185