Table 46. Packaging resource naming formats (continued)
Name Description Example
DE Device enclosure (rack-mounted) DE01
EE Card enclosure (enclosure-mounted) EE01
EMD Device (enclosure-mounted) EMD01
EMP Control panel (enclosure-mounted) EMP01
FR Frame FR01
SD Stand-alone device SD001
SYS System (packaging)* SYS01
* A system resource (SYS) is a collection of all packaging resources that are
contained within, or attached to the system unit.
Hardware configuration restrictions
The following restrictions apply for the hardware that is associated with resources.
For more information, see Chapter 2, “Hardware Service Manager” on page 45 and
“Hardware information” on page 230.
v If you move a workstation I/O processor (IOP), you must move the attachment
cable that is connected to the IOP to the card position along with the IOP.
Note: The cable must be moved because the configuration for the IOP is tied to
the resource name of the IOP, which follows the serial number of the card.
v If you move a communications I/O adapter (IOA), you must move the cables
that are connected to the IOA along with the IOA.
Note: The cable must be moved because the configuration for the lines is tied to
the resource name of the IOA, which is based on the serial number of the
IOA card.
Communications card, cable, and wrap connector reference
Single-port communications adapter card and TPAC wrap
Note: TPAC = Two-Port Adapter Cable.
Table 47. Single-port communications adapter card wrap connector. This adapter wrap connector is also used for the
25-pin D shells on the two port adapter cable.
Communications adapter
card wrap connector Connector pin
V.24-RS232 adapter
card X.21 adapter card V.35 adapter card
1 cable ID 3 1 CID 3 CID 3 CID 3
2 to 3 2 XD XD-A XD-A
3 to 2 3 RD RD-A RD-A
4 to 5 4 RTS XD-B XD-B
5 to 4 5 CTS RD-B RD-B
6 to 20 6 DSR IND-A Not Used
8 to 16,18 8 CD SET-B RX-A
244 Service Functions V5R2