
low-level debug (LLD) (continued)
control panel function (continued)
58 first character of address for
function 62 display 189
59 setting first and second
character of address for MFIOP
control storage display 172
59 setting second character of
address for function 62
display 189
60 setting third character of
address for function 62
display 189
60 setting third character of
address for MFIOP control
storage display 172
61 setting fourth character of
address for function 62
display 189
61 setting fourth character of
address for MFIOP control
storage display 172
62 MFIOP memory dump 172
62 service processor storage 189
63 system status SRC trace 173,
64 diagnostic status SRC
trace 173, 189
65 deactivate remote service 173,
66 activate remote service 173,
67 disk unit IOP reset/reload 173,
68 disk unit IOP/IOA power
domain 173, 190
69 disk unit IOP/IOA power
domain 173, 190
70 dump service processor control
storage 190
70 MFIOP control storage
dump 173
low-level debug (LLD) functions 54-99
See control panel
low-level debug, data collecting
changing the address in functions 58
through 61 (Models 270, 8xx, SB2,
and SB3) 135
changing the address in functions 59
through 61 (Models 150, 170, 250,
4xx, 50x, 51x, 530, 53S, 6xx, 7xx, SB1,
and Sxx) 133
displaying data for functions 54
through 58, 63, and 64 (Models 150,
170, 250, 4xx, 50x, 51x, 530, 53S, 6xx,
7xx, SB1, and Sxx) 131
displaying data for functions 57, 63,
and 64 (Models 270, 8xx, SB2, and
SB3) 132
displaying data from function 62 136
overview 131
LPAR (logical partitions)
unit reference codes list 198
URCs 198
machine check handler URCs 199
machine check log buffer (MCLB)
error logging 220
machine initialization status record
machine type
display 169, 185
Machine, JAVA Virtual 200
main storage dump 269
See also dump
control panel function
22 dump main storage 170, 186
34 retry MSD IPL 186
34 retry MSD or CPM IPL 170
copying 272
current MSD 269
main storage dump manager 30
terminating SRC 275
work with current 273
main storage dump manager 30
main store dump IPL URCs 200
manual mode IPL 4, 6, 159
display selected 162, 163
select 163, 164
alternate installation 325
messages relating to hardware
failures 291
MFIOP control storage dump
A18x 8AB0 173
A18x 8ABF 173
D1Cx 8AB0 173
MFIOP memory dump 172
mirrored protection, work with 19
MISR 220, 328
switching 156
Modula 2 200
See main storage dump
MSD from hypervisor URCs 200
MSD IPL SRCs (440x) 209
MSD library 31
multi-adapter bridge 242
network management utility 313
non-paging environment 2
non-reporting hardware, displaying 71
non-reporting resource
removing 83
non-reporting resource, displaying 71
non-reporting resources
option under hardware service
manager 53
nonpaging environment
description of 2
normal mode IPL 159
display selected 162, 163
select 163, 164
OEM indicator (&) 93
online problem analysis 290, 328
operating intervention SRCs 193
operating system
determining the dominant 126
operating system program 224, 293
operator panel functions option 31
optical storage, verification
procedure 96
product activity log (PAL) 100
releasing ownership of switchable
resources 154
taking ownership of switchable
resources 154
packaging hardware resource
creating 64
packaging hardware resources option 47
paging environments
See also environments
full 3
limited 2
options 46
stand-alone (also called
non-paging) 2
PAL (product activity log) 100
PAR (problem analysis and
resolution) 290, 328
parity protection 20
part number
display serial/part numbers, option
under hardware service
manager 79
system 126
pin wiring charts 244
battery power unit 230
battery power unit information
option 55
CPM 131
fast power off
control panel function 168, 184
power on by date/time 217
power on reset 217
remote power on 217
SPCN 231
SPCN (system power control
network) 55
system power down option 31
power domain 63
power IPL status type URCs 200
power off
disk unit, by control panel
function 173, 190
power off disk unit IOP/IOA power
domain 173, 190
power on
disk unit, by control panel
function 173, 190