
77 I/O HRI
78 Private Address Space Environment
CE Remote DST
CF Optical I/O Subcomponent
F1 Hypervisor
FD LIC Error
Each reference code is divided into these sections:
v Description
v Service recovery action
v Service problem analysis procedure
To determine the meaning and service action for the SRC, use the Diagnostic
Aids or the Problem Analysis document for the system model that has the
A main storage dump is taken for most of the LIC URCs unless otherwise
indicated in the description of the URC.
SPCN informational concurrent maintenance SRCs
1xxx 01xx
Install hardware unit
1xxx 02xx
Remove hardware unit
1xxx 03xx
Hardware unit is installed
1xxx 04xx
Hardware unit is removed
1xxx 05xx
No action was detected; the bus was released
1xxx 07xx
No action was detected; regulator is turned off
1xxx 08xx
Blower turned off for concurrent maintenance
1xxx 09xx
Bulk turned off for concurrent maintenance
IPL status SRCs
As the system performs an IPL, SRCs appear on the control panel. The SRCs
indicate the status of the IPL and are often useful in problem analysis. The
following list provides information on the IPL process and shows some of the
SRCs (in numeric order) that can appear during an IPL.
Function Performed
C1xx 1xxx
Service Processor ROS IPL in progress
Chapter 6. System Reference Code (SRC) Information 201