
Chapter 10. Working with Storage Dumps
Main storage dump introduction .......269
Automaticmainstoragedump .......270
Performing a main storage dump to disk (manual
Copying a main storage dump .......272
Copy main storage dump to media ....274
Copy main storage dump to MSD copy . . 274
Work with copies of main storage dumps . . . 274
Terminating System Reference Code (SRC) . . 275
Determining whether main storage dump data
was written to disk ..........276
Reporting the error ..........276
Additional help ...........277
Performing an IOP storage dump to disk (Models
150, 170, 250, 4xx, 50x, 51x, 530, 53S, 6xx, 7xx, SB1,
S20, S30, and S40) ............277
Performing a service processor storage dump
(Models 270, 8xx, SB2, SB3, and 890) .....277
Copying the IOP storage dump to removable
media (All Models) ...........278
Copying the service processor storage dump to
removable media (Models 270, 8xx, SB2, SB3, and
890) ................278
Performing an IOP dump using hardware service
manager (All Models) ..........279
IOP dump information in the Product Activity Log
(All Models)..............279
Main storage dump introduction
A main storage dump (MSD) is a process of collecting data from the systems main
storage. A main storage dump can be performed in the following ways:
v Automatically - by the service processor as the result of a system failure.
v Manually - by use of Function 22 on the control panel when the system waits,
loops, or appears to have an operating system failure.
For more information on automatic and manual MSDs, see Automatic main
storage dumpon page 270 and Performing a main storage dump to disk (manual
MSD)on page 271.
A complete MSD consists of the following:
v Main storage data
v Licensed Internal Code (LIC) module information (link map)
v MSD control data (SID 82)
Main storage dump data can be stored in three places:
v On the load-source disk
All MSD data is stored on the load-source disk during the dump process. While
it is on the load-source disk, it is called the current MSD. You can display or
copy the current MSD until either the next main storage dump occurs (writes
over it), or the next IPL is performed. To ensure that the current MSD is
available to assist in problem analysis, you must copy the dump to removable
media or the MSD library. Once an IPL occurs, some main storage data for the
current MSD may be lost. Also the link map for the current MSD may be
inaccurate. What remains of the current MSD is called residue.
v On removable media
This is a copy of the data that was first stored on the load-source disk, plus a
current link map and any MSD data still in main storage. The MSD that is
copied to removable media (for example, tape) can assist in problem analysis.
v In the MSD library
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