15-16 bizhub C652/C652DS/C552/C452
RGB The acronym for Red, Green, and Blue. The RGB are the primary three colors
used for monitor and other devices, producing any of the full colors by changing
their brightness ratio.
RIP The acronym for Raster Image Processor. RIP extracts picture images from text
data created using PostScript or other page description language. This proces-
sor is usually integrated into a printer.
Samba UNIX server software using SMB (Server Message Block) so that UNIX system
resources can be used from Windows environments.
Screen font A type of fonts used for displaying characters and symbols on a CRT or other
Shared printer A printer connected to a server on the network and configured to be used by
multiple computers.
SLP The acronym for Service Location Protocol. This is a protocol that provides ca-
pabilities such as finding services or automatic client configuration on the
TCP/IP network.
SMB The acronym for Server Message Block. This is a protocol for sharing files and
printers mainly over the Windows network.
SMTP The acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol used to transmit
or transfer E-mail messages.
SNMP The acronym for Simple Network Management Protocol. This is a management
protocol in the TCP/IP network environments.
Spool The acronym for Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line. Data to be output
to a printer is not sent directly to the printer, but is temporarily stored in another
location. The stored data is then sent collectively to the printer.
Subnet mask A value used to divide a TCP/IP network into small networks (subnetworks). This
is used to identify how many higher-order bits of an IP address are used for the
network address.
TCP/IP The acronym for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It is a de facto
standard protocol widely used for the Internet. An IP address is used to identify
each network device.
Touch & Print A feature that allows documents sent from the printer driver to be printed simply
by placing your finger or IC card on the authentication unit connected to the ma-
chine when the user authentication is enabled. In order to use the Touch & Print
feature, an authentication unit must be connected to the printer, and the vein
patterns or the ID of the IC card for each user must be registered.
TrueType A type of outline font. It was developed by Apple and Microsoft, and currently
used as a standard font for Macintosh and Windows. This type of font can be
used both for display and printing.
Uninstallation To delete software installed on a computer.
USB The acronym for Universal Serial Bus. This is a general-purpose interface defined
for connecting a mouse, printer, and other devices with a computer.
Web browser Software used to view Web pages.
Typical Web browsers include Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
WINS The acronym for Windows Internet Naming Service. This is a service, available in
Windows environments, to call the name server responsible for conversion be-
tween a computer name and an IP address.
XPS The abbreviation for XML Paper Specification. This is one of the electronic doc-
ument formats developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is first supported in Win-
dows Vista.
Term Description