4-7 Inputting, Modifying, and Checking the Program
Once a program is written in mnemonic code, it can be input directly into the PC
from a Programming Console. Mnemonic code is keyed into Program Memory
addresses from the Programming Console. Checking the program involves a
syntax check to see that the program has been written according to syntax rules.
Once syntax errors are corrected, a trial execution can begin and, finally, correc-
tion under actual operating conditions can be made.
The operations required to input a program are explained below. Operations to
modify programs that already exist in memory are also provided in this section,
as well as the procedure to obtain the current cycle time.
Before starting to input a program, check to see whether there is a program al-
ready loaded. If there is a program loaded that you do not need, clear it first using
the program memory clear key sequence, then input the new program. If you
need the previous program, be sure to check it with the program check key se-
quence and correct it as required. Further debugging methods are provided in
Section 7 Program Monitoring and Execution
4-7-1 Setting and Reading from Program Memory Address
When inputting a program for the first time, it is generally written to Program
Memory starting from address 00000. Because this address appears when the
display is cleared, it is not necessary to specify it.
When inputting a program starting from other than 00000 or to read or modify a
program that already exists in memory, the desired address must be designated.
To designate an address, press CLR and then input the desired address. Lead-
ing zeros of the address need not be input, i.e., when specifying an address such
as 00053 you need to enter only 53. The contents of the designated address will
not be displayed until the down key is pressed.
Once the down key has been pressed to display the contents of the designated
address, the up and down keys can be used to scroll through Program Memory.
Each time one of these keys is pressed, the next or previous word in Program
Memory will be displayed.
If Program Memory is read in RUN or MONITOR mode, the ON/OFF status of
any displayed bit will also be shown.
Key Sequence
Inputting, Modifying, and Checking the Program Section 4-7