FAL(06) produces a non-fatal error and FAL(07) produces a fatal error. When
FAL(06) is executed with an ON execution condition, the ALARM/ERROR indi-
cator on the front of the CPU will flash, but PC operation will continue. When
FALS(07) is executed with an ON execution condition, the ALARM/ERROR indi-
cator will light and PC operation will stop.
The system also generates error codes to the FAL area.
Resetting Errors All FAL error codes will be retained in memory, although only one of these is
available in the FAL area. To access the other FAL codes, reset the FAL area by
executing FAL(06) 00. Each time FAL(06) 00 is executed, another FAL error will
be moved to the FAL area, clearing the one that is already there. FAL error codes
are recorded and will be recalled in the following order: First code generated, 9A,
9B, 9D, 8A, 8B, and then 01 to 99.
Clearing Messages FAL(06) 00 is also used to clear message programmed with the instruction,
If the FAL area cannot be cleared, as is generally the case when FALS(07) is
executed, first remove the cause of the error and then clear the FAL area through
the Programming Console (see
4-6-5 Clearing Error Messages
5-25-2 CYCLE TIME – SCAN(18)
Mi: Multiplier (BCD)
IR, SR, AR, DM, HR, TC, LR, #
000: Not used.
Ladder Symbols
Operand Data Areas
000: Not used.
Limitations Mi must be BCD. Only the rightmost three digits of Mi are used.
Description SCAN(18) is used to set a minimum cycle time. Mi is the minimum cycle time that
will be set in tenths of milliseconds, e.g., if Mi is 1200, the minimum cycle time will
be 120.0 ms. The possible setting range is from 000.0 to 999.9 seconds.
If the actual cycle time is less than the cycle time set with SCAN(18) the CPU will
wait until the designated time has elapsed before starting the next cycle. If the
actual cycle time is greater than the set time, the set time will be ignored and the
program will be executed to completion.
Flags ER: Indirectly addressed DM word is non-existent. (Content of :DM word is
not BCD, or the DM area boundary has been exceeded.)
Mi is not BCD.
Special Instructions Section 5-25