I/O Refreshing Time The I/O refreshing time has been reduced for all units, as shown in the following
I/O Unit Time Required for Refreshing
Standard I/O Units !@3 of the C200H I/O refreshing time
Group-2 High-density I/O Units !@3 of the C200H I/O refreshing time
Special I/O Units $@5 of the C200H I/O refreshing time
1-8-3 Larger Instruction Set
Advanced programming is facilitated by the 225 application instructions avail-
able with the C200HS-CPU01-E, C200HS-CPU03-E, C200HS-CPU21-E, and
C200HS-CPU23-E, or the 229 application instructions available with the
C200HS-CPU31-E and C200HS-CPU33-E. In addition, programming has been
simplified by the addition of convenient instructions and macro functions. The
new instructions and functions are covered in detail in
Section 5 Instruction Set
Improved Instructions Additional functions have been added to the 7 instructions in the following table.
Instruction Additional Function(s)
DIST(80) Stack operation. The stack can contain up to 999 words.
COLL(81) FIFO/LIFO stack operation. The stack can contain up to 999 words.
MLPX(76) 4-to-256 decoder capability.
DMPX(77) 256-to-8 encoder capability.
ADB(50) Signed binary data can be added.
SBB(51) Signed binary data can be subtracted.
INT(89) Can be used to set scheduled interrupts in 1 ms units and control
input interrupts.
Expansion Instructions A group of 47 instructions have been designated as expansion instructions. An
expansion instruction does not have a fixed function code; one of the 18 expan-
sion instruction function codes must be assigned to it before it can be used in a
program. An instructions tables, which allocates functions codes to expansion
instructions, must be transferred to the C200HS before the expansion instruc-
tions can be used.
New Instructions A total of 36 new instructions have been added to the C200HS. These instruc-
tions are listed below. (Instructions with (--) for function codes are expansion
instructions, which do not have fixed function codes. Some expansion instruc-
tion do have default function codes. The SET and RESET instructions are basic
instructions, MACRO and TRACE MEMORY SAMPLE instructions are applied
instructions, and the other instructions are expansion applied instructions. A de-
fault function number is assigned to the TOTALIZING TIMER, TRANSFER
New C200HS Features Section 1-8