8-1 Introduction
The C200HS supports the following types of communications.
• Communications with Programming Devices (e.g., Programming Console,
LSS, or SSS.)
• Host Link communications with personal computers and other external de-
• RS-232C (no-protocol) communications with personal computers and other
external devices.
• One-to-one link communications with another C200HS CPU or a CQM1 CPU.
• NT link communications with Programmable Terminals (PTs) equipped with an
NT link interface.
This section describes the connection methods and application of all of these
different types of communications except for communications with Program-
ming Devices, which is described elsewhere in this manual.
Note 1. One-to-one link communications are possible only with CPUs that have an
RS-232C port. They are not possible with the C200HS-CPU01-E/03-E
2. Refer to documentation on the NT-series Interface Units for details on NT
link communications.
3. One-to-one link communications and NT link communications are not pos-
sible through the peripheral port.
8-2 Parameters for Host Link and RS-232C Communications
The parameters in the PC Setup described in this section are used both by Host
Link communications and RS-232C (no-protocol) communications. These pa-
rameters must be set in advance to enable communications.
Note 1. PC Setup parameters in DM 6645 to DM 6654 can be set under the PC Set-
up item on the Utility Menu.
2. The parameters set in the PC Setup will be ignored and the following com-
munications settings will be used if pin 5 on the C200HS CPU’s DIP switch is
turned ON.
Item Setting
Communications mode Host Link
Unit no. 00
Start bits 1
Data length 7
Stop bits 2
Parity Even
Baud rate 9,600 bps
Transmission delay None
Note The above settings apply to CPUs manufactured from July 1995 (lot number
**75 for July 1995). For CPUs manufactured before July 1995 (lot number **65
for June 1995), only 1 stop bit will be set and the baud rate will be 2,400 bps.
Parameters for Host Link and RS-232C Communications
Section 8-2