INT(89) is used to control the interrupt signals received from the Interrupt Input
Unit, and also to control the scheduling of the scheduled interrupt. INT(89) pro-
vides such functions as masking of interrupts (so that they are recorded but ig-
nored) and clearing of interrupts.
Refer to
5-23-2 Interrupts
for more details on interrupts.
MCRO(99) The MACRO instruction allows a single subroutine (programming pattern) to re-
place several subroutines that have identical structure but different operands.
Since a number of similar program sections can be managed with just one sub-
routine, the number of program steps can be greatly reduced. Refer to
for more details on this instruction.
5-23-2 Interrupts
The C200HS supports both input interrupts and scheduled interrupts. The oper-
ating modes for these interrupts are shown in the following illustration.
Interrupts Input interrupts Normal mode (C200H compatible)
High-speed mode (C200HS only)
Scheduled interrupts Normal mode (C200H compatible) Interrupts at n x 10 ms
Interrupts at n x 1 ms
High-speed mode (C200HS only) Interrupts at n x 10 ms
Interrupts at n x 1 ms
Input Interrupts Input interrupts are executed when external inputs are received via a C200HS-
INT01 Interrupt Input Unit. The Interrupt Input Unit provides at total of 8 inputs
numbered IN 0 through IN7 that can be used to generate interrupts #00 to #07.
Generally speaking, subroutines #00 to #07 are executed when interrupts #00 to
#07 are generated.
Only one Interrupt Input Unit can be mounted to each C200HS PC. When any of
the 8 inputs on the Interrupt Input Unit goes ON, an interrupt is generated and the
corresponding bit in the word allocated to the slot to which the Unit is mounted is
turned ON.
Note 1. Subroutines #00 to #07 can be used as normal subroutines when they are
not used for input interrupts.
2. Inputs on the Interrupt Input Unit not used for interrupts can be used for nor-
mal inputs.
Scheduled Interrupts Scheduled interrupts can be executed at intervals set either in increments of
10 ms or in increments or 1 ms. Interrupt #99 is used and subroutine #99 is
The unit used to set the scheduled interrupt interval is set in the PC Setup at
DM 6622.
15 00
DM 6622
Schedule Interrupt Setting Interval Setting Enable
00: Setting disabled (interval fixed at 10 ms)
01: Setting in bits 00 to 07 enabled
Schedule Interrupt Setting Interval Setting
00: 10 ms
01: 1 ms
Note Subroutine #99 can be used as a normal subroutine when it is not used for a
scheduled interrupt.
Subroutines and Interrupt Control Section 5-23