1-8-7 Built-in RS-232C Connector
Host link communications are possible using the RS-232C connector built into
the C200HS-CPU21-E/CPU23-E/CPU31-E/CPU33-E CPU. By using the TXD
and RXD instructions, RS-232C communications is possible without using time-
consuming procedures. A 1-to-1 link using the LR Area or an NT link with the
Programmable Terminal (PT) allows high-speed communications.
1-8-8 More Flexible PC Settings
With its default settings, the C200HS can be used like a C200H PC, but the
C200HS’s new settings provide more flexibility and allow it to be adjusted to fit
particular applications. These new settings are described below.
DIP Switch Settings The 6 pins on the C200HS’s DIP switch are used to write-protect part of UM, set
the CPU to automatically transfer Memory Card data to UM, and other functions.
UM Area Allocation Portions of the UM area can be allocated for use as the Expansion DM Area and
I/O Comment Area. (Most of the UM area is used to store the ladder program.)
PC Setup DM 6600 to DM 6655 is set aside for PC Setup data. The PC Setup determines
many operating parameters, including the startup mode and initial Special I/O
Unit area.
1-8-9 Debugging and Maintenance
Data Trace A data trace function has been added, allowing bit status or word content to be
traced in real time.
Differential Monitor The C200HS supports differential monitoring from either the Programming Con-
sole or LSS. The operator can detect OFF-to-ON or ON-to-OFF transition in a
specified bit.
Error Log Area The C200HS supports all of the C200H-CPU31-E error history area functions
and also records the time and date of power interruptions. The C200HS’s error
log area is DM 6000 to DM 6030 (not DM 0969 to DM 0999 as in the C200H-
1-8-10 New Programming Console Operations
The following Programming Console operations are supported by the C200HS
in addition to those supported by the C200H.
• Constants can be input in decimal form.
• Monitor displays can be switched between hexadecimal and normal or long
decimal form.
• OFF to ON and ON to OFF transitions in bit status can be monitored (differen-
tial monitoring).
• Function codes can be allocated to expansion instructions and current func-
tion code allocations can be read.
• UM area allocations can be set.
• The clock in the C200HS can be read and set.
• In addition to the TERMINAL mode supported in the C200H, the C200HS has
an EXTENDED TERMINAL mode in which all of the Programming Console’s
keys can be used to the status of Key Bits.
• The memory clear operation has been separated into an operation to clear the
user program excluding I/O comments and UM area allocation information,
and one to clear the user program, I/O comments , and UM area allocation in-
1-8-11 Peripheral Devices
With the C200H a Peripheral Device had to be connected through a Peripheral
Interface Unit or Host Link Unit, but with the C200HS Peripheral Devices can be
connected to the PC through a CQM1-CIF02 Connecting Cable.
Peripheral Device
New C200HS Features Section 1-8