Configuration Options
C-73160-A2-GB22-10 December 1996
Network Interface
Configuration Options
Table C-3
(1 of 2)
Network Interface Configuration Options
NET Framing: ESF (Factory 1) D4 (Factory 2)
Next D4 ESF Prev
Network Line Framing Format. The framing format to be used on the Network T1 interface.
D4 – Configures for the D4 framing format.
ESF – Configures for the Extended Superframe format.
NET Coding: B8ZS (Factory 1) AMI (Factory 2)
Next AMI B8ZS Prev
Network Line Coding Format. The line coding format to be used on the Network interface.
AMI – Configures for the Alternate Mark Inversion coding format.
B8ZS – Configures for the Bipolar 8 Zero Suppression coding format.
LBO: 0.0
Next 0.0 –7.5 –15 –22.5 Prev
Line Build Out. The line build out (LBO) for the signal transmitted to the network (0.0 dB is the factory
Next Enab Disab Prev
Generate ANSI Performance Report Messages. Specifies whether ANSI T1.403 compliant performance
report messages (PRMs) generate.
Enab – Generates and sends ANSI PRMs over the FDL every second.
Disab – Prevents the DSU/CSU from generating ANSI PRMs.
NOTE: This configuration option is only available when the framing format is set to ESF.
Next Enab Disab Prev
Network Initiated Line Loopback (LLB). Allows initiation and termination of the LLB to be controlled by the receipt of
LLB-Actuate and LLB-Release commands from the network (or remote DSU/CSU).
Enab – Causes the DSU/CSU to enter an LLB (if the DSU/CSU can perform an LLB in its current state) and to cause an
LLB-Release command to terminate the LLB.
Disab – Causes the DSU/CSU to ignore LLB-Actuate and LLB-Release commands (the DSU/CSU will not be in
compliance with ANSI T1.403 and AT&T TR 62411).
NOTE: When this configuration option is enabled, the DSU/CSU recognizes the in-band LLB-Actuate and LLB-Release
codes specified by AT&T as well as the bit-oriented FDL messages specified by ANSI (for ESF only).