2-18 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10
3160/3164 DSU/CSU User
Interface Access Security
user interface access security option allows you to
limit access to the 3160/3164 DSU/CSU to display-only
and non-intrusive functions. The user access security
option is not available for 3161 DSU/CSUs.
Level 1 (Lvl1) access security allows access to all
functions available through the menu tree. This is the
default setting.
Level 2 (Lvl2) access security restricts access to only
those functions that cannot affect the operation of the
DSU/CSU in any way
. At this level,
• None of the functions in the T
est or Ctrl branches
are available.
• All functions on the Stat branch are available.
• All functions on the Cnfg branch are available for
, but they cannot be used to save to a
configuration (Active, Cust, Fact1, or Fact2).
ou can only reach the screen that controls security
access using the front panel; you cannot access this option
using front panel emulation, async terminal, or the modem
The procedure for changing user interface access
security levels appears on the following tear-out page.