C-22 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10
Table C-10
(1 of 2)
SNMP Trap Configuration Options
Num Trap Mgrs: 1
Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prev
Number of Trap Managers. Specifies the number of trap managers supported by the unit.
NOTE: You must configure an IP address for each trap manager that is to receive trap messages.
IP Adr: Clear
Next Edit Clear Prev
IP Address. Specifies the IP address for each trap manager. This configuration option is repeated for all trap
managers supported by the unit.
Edit – Allows you to edit or display the IP address for Trap Manager
using the generic IP address data entry screen.
Clear – Allows you to clear the IP address for Trap Manager
Gen Trap: Both
Next Disab Warm Auth Both Prev
General Trap Types. Specifies the general trap types to enable.
Disab – Disables the sending of trap messages for warmStart and authenticationFailure events to the currently
configured trap manager(s).
Warm – Sends trap messages for warmStart events to the currently configured trap manager(s). A warmStart trap
signifies the unit has reinitialized itself. This trap is sent after the unit resets and stabilizes.
Auth – Sends trap messages for authenticationFailure events to the currently configured trap manager(s). An
authenticationFailure trap signifies that the unit is the addressee of an SNMP protocol message that is not properly
Both – Sends trap messages for warmStart and authenticationFailure events to the currently configured trap manager(s).
NOTE: This configuration option is not available and is not displayed if the SNMP Trap alarm configuration option is
Entp Trap: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Enterprise Specific Traps. Specifies whether the enterpriseSpecific trap is enabled. An enterpriseSpecific trap signifies
the unit has recognized an enterprise specific event. The Specific Trap field identifies the particular trap that has occurred.
These traps generate because of the following events:
• enterpriseSelfTestFail(2) – A hardware failure of the unit was detected as part of the unit’s self-test. This is gener-
ated after the unit has completed initialization.
• enterpriseDeviceFail(3) – An internal device failure was detected by the operating software for the unit.
Disab – Disables the sending of trap messages for enterpriseSpecific events to the currently configured trap manager(s).
Enab – Sends trap messages for enterpriseSpecific events to the currently configured trap manager(s).
NOTE: This configuration option is not available and is not displayed if the SNMP Trap alarm configuration option is