3-14 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10
Table 3-5
Front Panel Emulation Screen Icons
Name Meaning
Help Help Click on this pull-down menu to display online
Options Options Click on this pull-down menu to access the
following options:
Phone Numbers F1
Open COM Window F2
Change MDM Cmds F3
Exit F10
Stop/Go Light This icon indicates when the front panel display
is communicating with the associated
DSU/CSU (green = communication, red = no
Click on this icon once the PC is connected to
the selected DSU/CSU to stop or start
The Stop Light indicates there is no device
selected, there is a breakdown in
communication, or there is a response error.
Front Panel Status Area This area displays ‘‘In Progress” to indicate the
front panel display has sent a command to the
DSU/CSU and is waiting for a response.
Slot Slot This area enables you to select the slot with
which to communicate for 3161 DSU/CSUs.
Choose a value from 1 through 16 from the
drop down list box.
Test Jacks
are six Bantam 310 test jacks for signal
monitoring on the DSU/CSU front panel (Figures 3-11
and 3-12). These test jacks allow for four break-in tests
(Network In, Network Out, Equipment In, and Equipment
Out) and two monitor access points (Monitor Net and
Monitor Eqpt).
Test jack functions are shown in Figure 3-13 and
described in T
able 3-6. Note that all tests are located on
the DSX-1 side of the DSU. For other types of DSU/CSU
tests, refer to Chapter 4, Maintenance.
Figure 3-11. 3160/3164 DSU/CSU Test Jacks