C-18 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10
Table C-8
(2 of 3)
Alarm Configuration Options
DialOut: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Alarm and Trap Dial Out. Controls whether alarm messages sent to the MODEM port initiate a call (to the phone number
in Directory A) if the modem connection has not already been established. If the Call Retry configuration option is
enabled, the alarm message is held until the call is completed or a maximum of five retries have occurred. If more than
one message is received while waiting for a call retry, only the highest priority message is held and all others are
discarded. When the modem port is configured as the SNMP management link, up to ten SNMP trap messages are
queued at the interface.
Enab – Permits automatic call initiation (dial out) on the MODEM port when an alarm message must be sent.
Disab – Discards messages sent to the MODEM port if a modem connection has not been established.
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.
Call Retry: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Call Retry on Alarm. Determines whether an uncompleted call is retried. Calls initiated while attempting to send an alarm
or trap message to the MODEM port are retried after a five-minute delay if this configuration option is enabled.
Enab – Retries calls up to five times with a five-minute delay between each. If an alternate dial-out directory is specified,
both the alarm directory and the alternate directory are retried up to five times.
Disab – Prevents calls from being retried if they cannot be completed.
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.
Dial Delay: 5
Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prev
Dial Out Delay Time on Alarm or Trap. Specifies the number of minutes to wait between successive dial-out alarms or
traps and between retry attempts after failed alarm dial-outs. The factory default is 5 minutes.
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.
AltDialDir: None
Next None 1 2 3 4 5 Prev
Alternate Dial Out Directory for Alarm or Trap. Specifies whether a call that cannot be completed is retried using an
alternate phone number
. The alternate telephone number resides in one of the five call directories. If call retry is enabled,
the initial call is retried at the original number five times before a call attempt to the alternate number is tried. If the call is
not completed at the alternate number, it is retried up to the five retry maximum. The alternate dial-out option applies to
each alarm or trap event.
None – Specifies that alternate alarm dial-out is not performed when a call cannot be completed to the telephone number
contained in the alarm directory.
1–5 – Specifies the call directory that contains the phone number to call when a call cannot be completed to the
telephone number contained in the alarm directory.