C-16 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10
Table C-7
(4 of 4)
User Interface Configuration Options
Modem Type: Async
Next Async Sync Prev
Modem Type. Specifies whether the port uses synchronous or asynchronous communication when the modem port is
configured as the SNMP management link.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the Modem Use configuration option is set to ASCII or Term. In this
case, the modem port is always asynchronous.
Modem Rate: 2.4
Next 1.2 2.4 Prev
Modem Port Rate. Configures the bit rate for the MODEM port.
1.2 – Sets the bit rate at 1200 bps.
2.4 – Sets the bit rate at 2400 bps.
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.
MChar Len: 8
Next 7 8 Prev
Modem Character Length. Configures the character length (number of data bits) for the modem port. This does not
include the start bit (always 1) or the stop bits; 8 is the factory default.
NOTE: This configuration option must be set to 8 to perform PC emulation or pass-through operations, or SNMP
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.
MParity: None
Next None Even Odd Prev
Modem Parity. Configures the parity for the MODEM port. None is the factory default.
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.
MStop Bits: 1
Next 1 2 Pre
Modem Port Stop Bits. Configures the number of stop bits for the MODEM port; 1 is the factory default.
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.
LSpacDsc: Disab
Next Enab Disab Pre
Long Space Disconnect. Specifies how the modem disconnects a call. This configuration option makes call disconnecting
more robust and prevents invalid data at the remote modem when the call is disconnected. T
o be ef
fective, the remote
modem must be configured to disconnect when it detects continuous space.
NOTE: This configuration option is not displayed on Model 3161 DSU/CSUs.