
Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 111
Port The SIP signaling port number. Defaults to the standard UDP/TCP port, 5060.
If the peer server is using a different port number, specify it.
Note: For a Microsoft Lync 2013 SIP peer, the port should be 5061.
If left blank, the system uses the full RFC 3263 procedure to determine the
port via DNS.
Transport type The transport protocol to use when contacting this peer server. The default is
Auto detect tells the system to select the protocol as specified in RFC 3263,
and is not valid if Next hop address is a numeric IP address instead of a
host/domain name.
Use route header Add a Route header with the peer’s Next hop address value to the message.
Applies to both forwarded messages and external REGISTER messages.
If not selected, the only valid Request-URI configurations are those that use
the peer's Next hop address value for the URI host.
Downgrade If selected, and if this peer doesn’t support TLS, the system can change the
Request-URI schema from sips to sip and route the call to this peer.
If not selected, the system routes a TLS call to this peer only if this peer
supports TLS.
Prefix range The dial string prefix(es) assigned to this SIP peer.
Enter a single prefix (44), a range of prefixes (44-47), or multiple prefixes
separated by commas (44,46)
If your dial plan uses the Dial services by prefix dial rule (in the default dial
plan) to route calls to services, all dial strings beginning with an assigned
prefix are forwarded to this SIP peer for resolution.
If your dial plan instead uses a rule that you create to apply the Resolve to
external SIP peer action, there is no need to specify a prefix.
Otherwise, the system applies the SIP Routing settings of the originating site
(see Sites on page 279 and Edit Site Dialog Box on page 285) for calls to
endpoints outside the enterprise network.
Note: For a SIP peer, the dial string must either include the protocol or consist
of only the prefix and user name (no @domain). For instance, if the SIP peer’s
prefix is 123, the dial string for a call to alice@polycom.com must be one of
the following:
Strip prefix If selected, the system strips the prefix when a call that includes a prefix is
routed to this peer.
Register externally Some external SIP peers require peers to register with them as an endpoint
does, using a REGISTER message.
Select this option to enable the External Registration tab and configure the
system to register with this external peer server, following the rules specified
in RFC 3261.
Field Description