Integrations with Other Systems
Polycom, Inc. 158
2 In the Polycom RealPresence DMA system, replace the default local administrative user with your
own user account that has the same user roles. See Users Procedures on page 321.
3 Log into the Polycom RealPresence DMA system as the local user you created in step 2 and go to
Admin > Integrations > Microsoft Active Directory.
4 Check Enable integration with Microsoft® Active Directory Server and complete the information
in the Active Directory Connection section.
a Unless you have a single domain environment and no global catalog, select Auto-discover from
FQDN and enter the DNS domain name.
b For Domain\user name, enter the domain and user ID of the account you created in step 1.
c Leave Base DN set to the default, All Domains. Don’t edit the User LDAP filter expression unless
you understand LDAP filter syntax (see RFC 2254) and know what changes to make.
d Specify the time each day that you want the Polycom RealPresence DMA system to check the
Active Directory for changes.
e Select the territory whose cluster should perform the integration and daily updates.
5 To generate conference room IDs for the enterprise users, complete the Enterprise Conference
Room ID Generation section.
Skip this step if you don’t want the system to create conference rooms (virtual meeting rooms) for the
enterprise users.
a Specify the Active Directory attribute from which to generate room IDs.
Your users will be happier if room IDs are numeric and not longer than necessary to ensure
uniqueness. Phone numbers are the most likely choice, or maybe employee ID numbers.
b If necessary, edit the contents of the Characters to remove field.
If you use phone numbers, the default contents of this field should be adequate to ensure a
numeric room ID.
Note: Active Directory Integration Accounts
If you have a Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system, be aware that the machine
account used for AD integration by the RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system and the
service account used for AD integration by the RealPresence DMA system have different
requirements. Don’t try to use the same account for both purposes. In particular, the whitelist of
machines that the Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system is allowed to log into
should contain only the RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system, while the whitelist of
machines the Polycom RealPresence DMA system is allowed to log into should contain only the
domain controllers.
If you use Active Directory attributes that aren’t replicated across the enterprise via the Global Catalog
server mechanism, the system must query each domain for the data. Make sure that the whitelist for
this service account is correct and that it can connect to all the LDAP servers in each domain.
Note: Auto-Discover vs. IP Address
We don’t recommend using the IP address or host name option in a multi-domain environment. If
you must, enter the host name or IP address of a specific global catalog server, not the DNS domain