Local Cluster Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 81
Alerting Settings
The Alerting Settings page allows you to configure thresholds for system alerts. Here, you can enable or
disable certain alerts, and control when they will be triggered.
The Threshold Value column on the right of the page lists the configurable value for each alert’s threshold.
Use the arrows next to each field or enter a new number to change the default value. Click the Update
button to save your changes, or the Select Defaults button to revert them (Select Defaults returns the
values in all fields on this page to their factory defaults).
See the below table for descriptions of each alert’s condition.
Local Cluster Configuration Procedures
This section describes the following Polycom RealPresence DMA 7000 system configuration procedures:
● Add Licenses
● Configure Signaling
Note: SNMP and System Alerts Configuration
Since the triggering of SNMP alerts coincides with system alerts, configuration on this page applies to
both system alerts and SNMP alerts.
Alert ID Threshold Condition Description
3103 Days until server certificate expires is less than Alert when there are only this many
days until the system’s security
certificate expires.
3105 Days until CA certificate expires is less than Alert when there are only this many
days until the server’s CA-signed
security certificate expires.
3401 Percentage available disk space is less than Alert when the percentage of free disk
space available on the DMA system
falls below this value.
3404 Percentage log file usage is greater than Alert when the percentage of the log
file storage area used by log data is
above this value.
3405 Percentage CPU utilization is greater than Alert when system CPU utilization is
between this lower limit, and...
And percentage CPU utilization is less than or equal to ...this upper limit.
3406 Percentage CPU utilization is greater than Alert when system CPU utilization is
above this value.
5002 Number of hyperactive, blacklisted endpoints is greater than Alert when the number of registered
endpoints that are blacklisted for
sending too much H.323 traffic is
above this value.