Polycom, Inc. 394
To restart or shut down one or both servers in a cluster
1 Go to Maintenance > Shutdown and Restart.
The page displays the server or servers in the cluster, along with status information.
2 Select the server(s) you want to shut down or restart.
3 Do one of the following:
To restart the selected server(s), click Restart.
To shut down the selected server(s), click Shut Down.
4 When asked to confirm that you want to restart or shut down, click Yes.
The system logs you out and the selected server(s) shut down. If you chose Restart, the server(s)
reboot, and conference service becomes available again when the restart is complete (typically, this
takes about five minutes).
If you chose Shut Down, the server(s) remain powered off until you manually turn them back on.
To shut down all clusters in a supercluster, repeat the above procedure on each additional cluster, waiting
at least five minutes between clusters.
To start up a shut-down cluster
1 Turn on the first server in the cluster.
The server boots, which takes several minutes.
2 Wait at least one minute and turn on the second server in the cluster.
The second server boots. When done, both servers’ LCDs display RealPresence DMA Clustered.
To start up all clusters in a supercluster, repeat the above procedure on each additional cluster, waiting at
least five minutes between clusters. After all clusters have restarted, it may take up to 30 minutes for all
supercluster-wide replication to complete.
See also:
Management and Maintenance Overview on page 332
Recommended Regular Maintenance on page 334
Caution: Always Shut Down Properly
Don’t turn off a Polycom RealPresence DMA system server by simply unplugging it or otherwise
removing power, especially if it’s going to remain off for some time. If a server loses power without
being properly shut down, the RAID controller fails to shut down, eventually depleting its battery. If that
happens, the server can’t be restarted without user input, requiring a keyboard and monitor.
There is no mechanism for shutting down an entire supercluster. If you want to shut down all clusters
in a supercluster, you must do so one cluster at a time. Wait at least five minutes before shutting down
the next cluster.
If you want to shut down a cluster in the supercluster while other clusters remain on, remove the
cluster from the supercluster if it will remain shut down for more than a few hours. The supercluster
retains only a limited amount of “playback” data that can be used to bring the shutdown cluster back
up to date once it’s turned back on. If the cluster remains off long enough, its data store can’t be made
consistent with the rest of the supercluster.