Users and Groups
Polycom, Inc. 319
Resource priority
In an Assured Services SIP (AS-SIP) environment, a Local Session Controller (LSC)
can provide priority-based precedence and preemption services to ensure that the
most important calls get through. If your organization has implemented such a
resource prioritization mechanism and you want to assign this conference room a
priority value different from the system’s default (see Conference Settings on
page 185), set this to the namespace being used for resource priority values. If the
namespace being used isn’t listed, select Custom and enter the name in the box
below the list.
Resource priority value If the RealPresence DMA system is deployed in an AS-SIP environment with a
resource prioritization mechanism and Local Session Controller (LSC), set this to the
priority value to assign to conferences using this conference room. If using a custom
namespace, enter the value in the box below the list.
The string namespace:value is used in the SIP Resource-Priority header of
outbound calls from this conference room and recorded in the conference property
For inbound calls to this conference room:
• If the INVITE message contains a resource priority value, the RealPresence DMA
system passes that value to the MCU.
• If the INVITE message doesn’t contain a resource priority value, the
RealPresence DMA system provides the value assigned here to the MCU on
behalf of the endpoint.
In either case, the resource priority value is recorded in the call property changes.
Presence In a Microsoft® Lync 2013 environment, you can configure presence publishing (the
publishing of VMR status to a Lync 2013 client contact list) for each VMR. Enable
this check box to override the system-wide default presence publishing settings
defined on the Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Settings page.
Note: This property is visible only if the Publish presence for Polycom conference
contacts check box is enabled on the Admin > Conference Manager >
Conference Settings page.
Depending on the settings of the Publish presence for Polycom conference
contacts and Create Polycom conference contacts check boxes on the Admin >
Conference Manager > Conference Settings page, there are two modes of
operation for this field:
• When Publish presence for Polycom conference contacts is checked and
Create Polycom conference contacts is unchecked, the following options are
Publish presence
Do not publish presence
These options control whether the RealPresence DMA system will publish presence
status for this Polycom conference contact.
• When both Publish presence for Polycom conference contacts and Create
Polycom conference contacts are checked, the following options are displayed:
Create contact and publish presence
Do not create contact or publish presence
These options control whether the RealPresence DMA system will create an Active
Directory contact resource for and publish presence for this Polycom conference
Field Description