Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference
This attribute gives the number of pages for this file written from cache to disk.
3.4.7. Database Attributes under cn=index, cn=NetscapeRoot,
cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config and cn=index,
cn=UserRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
In addition to the set of default indexes that are stored under cn=default indexes, cn=config,
cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config, custom indexes can be created for
o=NetscapeRoot, o=UserRoot, and user-defined backend instances; these are stored under
cn=index, cn=database_name, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config. Each indexed
attribute represents a subentry under the cn=config information tree nodes, as shown in the
following diagram:
Figure 3.2. Indexed Attribute Representing a Subentry
For example, the index file for the aci attribute under o=UserRoot appears in the Directory Server as
dn:cn=aci, cn=index, cn=UserRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
These entries share all of the indexing attributes listed for the default indexes in Section 3.4.5,
“Database Attributes under cn=default indexes, cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config”.
For further information about indexes, refer to the "Managing Indexes" chapter in the Directory Server
Administrator's Guide. nsSubStrBegin
By default, for a search to be indexed, the search string must be at least three characters long, without
counting any wildcard characters. For example, the string abc would be an indexed search while ab*
would not be. Indexed searches are significantly faster than unindexed searches, so changing the
minimum length of the search key is helpful to increase the number of indexed searches.
This substring length can be edited based on the position of any wildcard characters. The
nsSubStrBegin attribute sets the required number of characters for an indexed search for the
beginning of a search string, before the wildcard. For example: