
Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts
Option Description
-t databaseType The database type. The only possible database
type is ldbm.
-v Verbose mode.
-w password The password associated with the user DN.
-w - Prompts for the password associated with the
user DN.
Table 7.18. bak2db.pl Options
7.4.2. cl-dump.pl (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog)
Troubleshoots replication-related problems.
cl-dump.pl is in the /usr/bin directory.
cl-dump.pl [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ -D bindDn ] [ -w bindPassword | -P bindCert ] [ -r
replicaRoots ] [ -o outputFile ] [ -c ] [ -v ]
cl-dump.pl -i changelogFile [ -o outputFile ] [ -c ] [ -v ]
Without the -i option, the script must be run when the Directory Server is running from a location from
which the server's changelog directory is accessible.
Option Description
-c Dumps and interprets change sequence
numbers (CSN) only. This option can be used
with or without the -i option.
-D bindDn Specifies the Directory Server's bind DN.
Defaults to cn=Directory Manager if the
option is omitted.
-h host Specifies the Directory Server's host. Defaults to
the server where the script is running.
-i changelogFile Specifies the path to the changelog file. If there
is a changelog file and if certain changes in
that file are base-64 encoded, use this option to
decode that changelog.
-o outputFile Specifies the path, including the filename, for the
final result. Defaults to STDOUT if omitted.
-p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default
value is 389.