Retro Changelog Plug-in Attributes
This attribute gives the number of rename operations received.
This attribute gives the number of base level searches received.
This attribute gives the number of one-level searches received.
This attribute gives the number of subtree searches received.
This attribute gives the number of abandon operations received.
This attribute gives the number of bind requests received.
This attribute gives the number of unbinds received.
This attribute gives the number of compare operations received.
This attribute gives the number of open connections for normal operations.
This attribute gives the number of open connections for bind operations.
3.6. Retro Changelog Plug-in Attributes
Two different types of changelogs are maintained by Directory Server. The first type, referred to as
simply a changelog, is used by multi-master replication, and the second changelog, a plug-in referred
to as the retro changelog, is intended for use by LDAP clients for maintaining application compatibility
with Directory Server 4.x versions.
This Retro Changelog Plug-in is used to record modifications made to a supplier server. When the
supplier server's directory is modified, an entry is written to the Retro Changelog that contains both of
the following:
• A number that uniquely identifies the modification. This number is sequential with respect to other
entries in the changelog.