Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values on | off
Default Value off
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsslapd-ldapiautobind: off nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase (Search Base for LDAPI
Authentication Entries)
With autobind, it is possible to map system users to Directory Server user entries, based on the
system user's UID and GUID numbers. This requires setting Directory Server parameters for
which attribute to use for the UID number (nsslapd-ldapiuidnumbertype) and GUID number
(nsslapd-ldapigidnumbertype) and setting the search base to use to search for matching user
The nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase gives the subtree to search for user entries to use for
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values DN
Default Value The suffix created when the server instance was
created, such as dc=example,dc=com
Syntax DN
Example nsslapd-ldapientrysearchbase:
ou=people,dc=example,dc=om nsslapd-ldapifilepath (File Location for LDAPI Socket)
LDAPI connects a user to an LDAP server over a UNIX socket rather than TCP. In order to configure
LDAPI, the server must be configured to communicate over a UNIX socket. The UNIX socket to use is
set in the nsslapd-ldapifilepath attribute.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values Any directory path
Default Value /var/run/dirsrv/slapd-example.socket
Syntax Case-exact string
Example nsslapd-ldapifilepath: /var/run/slapd-