
This can be abbreviated to pwdLockOut.
For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values on | off
Default Value on
Syntax DirectoryString
Example passwordLockout: off passwordLockoutDuration (Lockout Duration)
Indicates the amount of time in seconds during which users are locked out of the directory after
an account lockout. The account lockout feature protects against hackers who try to break into the
directory by repeatedly trying to guess a user's password. Enable and disable the account lockout
feature using the passwordLockout attribute.
This can be abbreviated to pwdLockoutDuration.
For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value
(2147483647) in seconds
Default Value 3600
Syntax Integer
Example passwordLockoutDuration: 3600 passwordMaxAge (Password Maximum Age)
Indicates the number of seconds after which user passwords expire. To use this attribute, password
expiration has to be enabled using the passwordExp attribute.
This can be abbreviated to pwdMaxAge.
For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value
(2147483647) in seconds
Default Value 8640000 (100 days)
Syntax Integer