Chapter 5. Log File Reference
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864):
replay_update: Consumer successfully sent operation with csn 49679b20000000010000
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864) - clcache_load_buffer: rc=-30990
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): No more
updates to send (cl5GetNextOperationToReplay)
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:48 -0500] - repl5_inc_waitfor_async_results: 0 5
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain starting
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: read result for message_id 5
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: result 3, 0, 0, 5, (null)
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: read result for message_id 5
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:49 -0500] - repl5_inc_waitfor_async_results: 5 5
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:50 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain: read result for message_id 5
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] - repl5_inc_result_threadmain exiting
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864) - session end: state=5 load=1
sent=1 skipped=0
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864):
Successfully released consumer
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): Beginning
linger on the connection
[09/Jan/2009:13:44:51 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=example2" (alt:13864): State:
sending_updates -> wait_for_changes
Example 5.4. Replication Error Log Entry
Plug-in logging records every the name of the plugin and all of the functions called by the plugin. This
has a simple format:
[timestamp] Plugin_name - message
[timestamp] - function - message
The information returned can be hundreds of lines long as every step is processed. The precise
information recorded depends on the plug-in itself. For example, the ACL Plug-in includes a
connection and operation number, as shown in Example 5.5, “Example ACL Plug-in Error Log Entry
with Plug-in Logging”.
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - conn=24826500108779577 op=10 (main): Allow search
on entry(cn=replication,cn=config): root user
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - <= slapi_vattr_filter_test 0
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - Root access (read) allowed on
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - Root access (read) allowed on
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] NSACLPlugin - Root access (read) allowed on
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - slapi_filter_free type 0x87
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - => get_filter_internal
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - EQUALITY
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - <= get_filter_internal 0
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] get_filter - before optimize:
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] get_filter - after optimize:
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] index_subsys_assign_filter_decoders - before:
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] index_subsys_assign_filter_decoders - after:
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - => slapi_vattr_filter_test_ext
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - => test_substring_filter
[09/Jan/2009:13:15:16 -0500] - EQUALITY
Example 5.5. Example ACL Plug-in Error Log Entry with Plug-in Logging