To mute the microphone during a call
You can mute the microphone during conve rsation by
selecting the Mute option from the In-Use menu .W h e n
Mute is active ,“ M U T E ”d i s p l ay s .The phone resets this con-
dition to the default (Un)Mute setting at the end of yo u r
c a l l .
To mute the microphone during a call:
1 . D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,p ress to display the In-Use
m e nu .
2 . P ress (or ) to mute the micro p h o n e .You will
hear the other part y ’s conve rs a t i o n ,but they will not
hear your conve rs a t i o n .“ M U T E ”d i s p l ays on the scre e n .
3 . To “ u n mu t e ”the microphone during the same conve rs a-
t i o n ,repeat steps 1 and 2.Selecting the (Un)Mute option
toggles Mute on and off.
Where you can use your phone
Your Samsung PCS Phone can used it to make and re c e i ve
calls in many places.
In any city where your service provider provides PCS
s e rv i c e .
On other CDMA netwo rks where your serv i c e
p rovider has implemented roaming agre e m e n t s .
(SPH-N100 only*) On other conventinal analog cellular
n e t wo rk where your service provider provides analog
s e rvice or has implemented roaming agre e m e n t .
When you use your phone outside your service prov i d e r ’s
PCS Netwo rk ,i t ’s called ro a m i n g .
* SPH-N100 is dual-band.
Adjusting voice volume
You can adjust the earpiece volume during a call
using the volume keys on the side of your phone.
B ri e fly press the appro p riate volume key to incre a s e
or decrease the vo l u m e .
Adjusting ring volume
From Standby mode you can quick ly adjust the volume of
the ri n ger by pressing the volume keys on the side of the
p h o n e .You can also ch a n g e the settings for your phone’s
ring volume from the Main menu (see “ R i n g er options”o n
p age 45).
Silencing (or muting) the ringer during an
incoming call
When the phone is open and ri n gi n g ,p ress t o
silence the ri n ge r.When the phone is closed and
ri n gi n g ,p ress the volume keys to quick ly silence the
ri n ge r.(When the A n y Key A n swer option is not
selected in the Main menu . )
You can also set the ri n ger to remain off.From Standby
m o d e ,p ress the down volume key until “Ring Volume Off”
is displaye d ,or use the Main menu (see “ R i n g er type setting
for voice calls”on page 45).