Adding a Name Ringer
You can associate one of 13 diffe rent ri n ge rs (fo u r
melodies and nine tones) to nu m b e r s stored in yo u r
I n t e rnal Phone Book.When you re c e i ve an incoming call
f rom a number matching an entry in your Internal Phone
Book your phone will sound the associated ri n ger to
announce the call.
N o t e : If the Caller ID info rmation was not ava i l able for an
incoming call then the Name Ringer option will not be
ava i l abl e .
To add a Name Ringer to an Internal Phone Book entry :
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Phone Book.
3 . Find the number you want to add a Name Ringer to
using one of the search methods described under
“ Vi e wing stored entri e s ”on page 56,and then pre s s .
4 . P ress to display options.
5 . P ress to add a Name Ringe r.
6 . Your phone displays the current ri n g er setting. Use the
s c r oll key to listen to ava i l able ri n ge rs and melodies.
7 . P ress to save your ri n g er selection.