Reviewing Numeric Pages, Text Messages, and
Browser Messages
When the message arri ve s ,you can immediately rev i ew it
by pressing , or store the message for later rev i ew by
p ressing . The Messages menu provides options fo r
rev i ewing the sender’s name,phone nu m b e r,time / date
stamp and the message .
N o t e : B rowser message notification may not be ava i l able at
time of pri n t i n g .
To rev i e w a stored (or old) nu m e r ic page ,or text message
f rom Standby mode:
1 . P ress to display the Messages menu .The number of
n ew (unread) messages displays next to the associated
m e s s age type in the menu .
2 . P ress for Page / Text or for Browser Msg.A
list of messages display s .An ex clamation point ( ! )nex t
to an entry indicates an urgent message .A ch e ck mark
( √ ) next to an entry indicates that you have read the
m e s s age .
3 . Use the scroll keys to scroll the list of message s .
4 . When the message display s ,p ress to rev i ew the
m e s s age .While rev i e wing the message the scroll key s
o p e rate like this:
Slide u p / d o wn to scroll up/down to the next message .
Slide l e f t / right to page up/down in the curre n t
m e s s age .
N o t e :While rev i ewing a message , you can press fo r
m o re options.See “ M e s s age options”on page 80.
5 . P ress to re t u rn to the previous scre e n .
Your Samsung PCS Phone re c e i v es four kinds of message s :
vo i c e m a i l ,t ex t ,nu m e ric pages and Browser message s .
( Wi reless Web message notification may not be ava i l abl e
depending on your service prov i d e r.)
Incoming Messages
Your phone re c e i ves incoming messages in both Standby
and Talk modes.When you are on a call and re c e i v e a mes-
s age ,your phone automatically mutes the ri n ger and pro-
vides the call waiting tone (this is to avoid ri n ging in yo u r
ear while you are trying to talk).
Receiving a Message in Standby mode
When your phone re c e i v es a message in Standby mode,t h e
ri n ger sounds (unless turned off ) ,and the screen display s
( “ N ew Vo i c e m a i l ” ,“ N e w Tex t ” ,“ N ew Page ” or “ N ew
B row s e r M s g ” ) .The message indicator ( ) displays and
remains on the screen until you listen to the new vo i c e m a i l
m e s s age ,or read the new Wi r eless Web message ,t ext mes-
s age or nu m e ric page .
Receiving a Message while on a call
If you re c e i v e a new text message or nu m e ric page while
on a voice call,the Call Waiting tone sounds and a message
header display s .You can easily rev i ew the new message
while on the call by just pressing . Your call will not be
d i s c o n n e c t e d , and you can ask the other party to wa i t
while you rev i ew the message .If you are using the optional
h a n d s - f ree headset,then you can read the message while
c o n t i nuing your conve rs a t i o n .