
6 . The new bookmark is added to the bottom of yo u r
b o o k m a r k list.
Finding a Bookmark
1 . From the Home Page ,select Bookmark s .
2 . Select the bookmark you want and press .
O r
1 . From the Home Page ,p ress and hold the number associ-
ated with the bookmark in the bookmark list.
Receiving a phone call while using the
Wireless Web Browser
You can re c e i ve phone calls while in a MiniBrowser ses-
s i o n .D u ring a MiniBrowser session your phone and yo u r
s e rvice provider pass info rmation back and fo rth in pack-
e t s , this is done for efficiency and it reduces your serv i c e
access cost.Your phone is connected to the serv i c e
p rovider only during the ex ch a n ge of a packe t ;the Serv i c e
Indicator will be present when a packet is being
ex ch a n ge d .Your phone stores this info rmation contained in
a packet in memory for you to use.W h e n ever packets of
i n fo rmation are not being ex ch a n ge d ,your phone can
re c e i ve calls.To answer a call while in the MiniBrow s e r
p ress .When you complete your call,you are auto-
m a t i c a l ly re t u rned to your MiniBrowser session where yo u
we re when you answe r ed your call.
Using Bookmarks
You can bookmark many individual pages for easy access at
a later time.B o o k m a rks save you time by reducing the
number of steps it takes to access a desired page .
Creating a Bookmark
1 . Go to the page that you want to mark .
2 . P ress and hold . A list of options appears .
3 . Select Mark Site.
4 . If the page has a title,it will be automatically used fo r
the name of the bookmark .You can also ch a n ge the
b o o k m a r k name.Selecting Save will save the name and
add the page to your list of bookmark s .
5 . A message will appear confi rming that the bookmark
was added to the list.Select OK to re t u rn to the scre e n
that you marked to resume navigation within the
M i n i B row s e r.