Manual pause dialing
To perfo rm manual pause dialing without fi rst storing the
number in the Internal Phone Book,enter pauses manu a l ly
using the Digit Entry menu during the dialing pro c e s s .
To manu a l ly dial a number using a pause(s):
1 . Enter the phone number of the service you want to call
( s u ch as a bank’s teleservice phone nu m b e r ) .For ex a m -
p l e , your bank’s teleservice phone number might be an
800 nu m b e r.
2 . P ress to display digit dialing options.
3 . P ress the associated digit key to select an option:
P ress for a Hard Pa u s e .The screen displays a “ p ”
indicating a hard pause.Enter the number to be sent
after the pause by pressing the digit key s ,and then
p ress . After connecting,p ress again to
t ransmit the additional nu m b e r.
P ress for a two Second Pa u s e .The screen dis-
p l a ys a “ T ”indicating a timed pause.The scre e n
p rompts for the number to be sent after the pause.
Enter the number to be sent after the pause by pre s s-
ing the digit key s ,and then press . The phone
t ransmits the number that fo l l ows the pause two sec-
onds after connection.
N o t e : S t o ring nu m b e rs is recommended if you plan to dial
the number in the future .
2 . P ress .M o re options display.P ress or
to enter the desired pause.
P ress to enter a Hard Pa u s e .The letter “ p ”d i s p l ay s
in the nu m b e r,meaning that a hard pause will occur at
that point in the dialing sequence.Enter the digits that
need to fo l l o w the pause (such as your account nu m -
b e r ) .
P re s s to enter a two second pause.The letter “ T ”
d i s p l a ys in the nu m b e r,meaning that a “ Ti m e d ”p a u s e
will occur at that point in the dialing sequence.E n t e r
the digits that need to fo l l ow the pause (such as yo u r
account nu m b e r ) .
3 . S t o re the number in your Internal Phone Book as yo u
n o rm a l ly would by pressing the key and fo l l ow i n g
the screen pro m p t s .
Pause dialing from a stored Internal Phone
Book entry
Pause dialing from the Internal Phone Book is easy:
1 . If you stored the number using a two second pause(s),
s i m p ly dial the number from the Internal Phone Book.
The phone transmits the number that fo l l ows the “ T ”
pause two seconds after connection.“SENDING DTMF”
flashes on the screen (the transmitted tones are audibl e ) .
2 . If you stored the number using a hard pause(s),s i m p l y
dial the number from the Internal Phone Book and wa i t
for the appro p riate prompt from the number you are call-
ing (credit card nu m b e r,bank account nu m b e r,e t c . ) .
When pro m p t e d ,p ress to send the DTMF number that
fo l l ows your hard pause.“SENDING DTMF”flashes on the
s c r een (the transmitted tones are audibl e ) .