
Attaching the data cable
B e fo re you install the softwa re for Data connection on yo u r
c o m p u t e r,it is a good idea to attach the data cable to the
computer and your Samsung PCS Phone.
1 . Plug the smaller end of the data cabl e ,with the re l e a s e
t ab facing up,into the accessory connection of yo u r
p h o n e .
2 . Plug the other end of the data cable into the match i n g
s e rial port on the back of your computer.
Installing the software
To begin making Wi r eless Data connections,you will need
to install the softwa re from the CD-ROM (ask your serv i c e
p rovider for details).
The softwa re is designed to take you through the installa-
tion process step by step.Please re f er to the softwa re user
guide for more detailed info rmation on installation.
Placing a call
1 . M a ke sure the data cable is connected pro p e r ly.
2 . Open the application on your computer,and place the
call through the application on your computer.T h e
phone will display the number your computer is calling.
You will see “ C O N N E C T I N G ” .
N o t e :Your phone will automatically redial three times (or
until it is successful).If the call is not connected after thre e
t ri e s ,the display will re t u r n to Standby mode.
Samsung PCS Wireless Data
N o w you can use your laptop PC, handheld or palm-sized
computing device to send and re c e i ve e-mail,access the
I n t e rnet or your company ’ s netwo r k and more ,w i t h o u t
s e a rching for a wall-mounted telephone jack .
When connected to a computing device (laptop,d e s k t o p ,
h a n d h e l d ,p a l m t o p ,etc.) running Micro s o f t
Wi n d ow s
9 5 ,
Wi n d ow s
9 8 ,Wi n d ow s N T
,Wi n d ow s C E
,Pa l m O S
a n d
other operating systems,your Samsung PCS Phone func-
tions just like a typical computer modem on your PC,
e n abling you to use wireless data involving a wide va ri e t y
of Wi n d ows softwa re applications.R e fer to your data kit
m a nual for instructions to set up your computing dev i c e .
N o t e :Your phone must be on the PCS Wi reless Netwo rk to
use PCS Wi r eless Data transmission serv i c e s .
Getting Started
P u rchase a Samsung PCS Wi r eless Data Connection Kit
(sold separa t e ly ) .
Connect your laptop PC to your Samsung PCS Phone
by using the serial data cabl e .The cable adapter will
connect to a handheld or palm-sized computing
d ev i c e .
Use the CD-ROM to install the softwa re onto yo u r
c o m p u t e r.It only takes a few minutes to install.See the
user guide in the Samsung PCS Wi r eless Data
Connection Kit for complete details on how to install
and use this service (Ask your service provider fo r
m o re info rm a t i o n s ) .