3. OK / Messages Key: This is the left soft key. The
left soft key is used primarily for selecting the high-
lighted item, but its function may change depend-
ing on what you are doing (see “The MiniBrowser
Soft Keys” on page 93).
4. CLR Key: This key performs two functions:
♦Backs you up in the browser. Pressing it once
backs you up one page. Pressing and holding it
backs you up to the Home page.
♦Clears out entered text or numbers. When
entering numbers or text, press to clear the
last number, letter, or symbol. Press and hold
to completely clear the input field.
5. Asterisk / Shift Key: This is the shift key. Press
before entering text to create upper case letters.
This key is also used to scroll down or up a line at a
6. 0 / Next Key: Enters a 0. Moves to the next word
in T9 mode.
7. Pound / Space Key: This is the space key. Press
to insert a space when entering text. This key is
also used to scroll down or up a line at a time.
8. Numbered Keys 0 - 9: If the items on a page are
numbered, you can use these keys to select them.
9. END Key: Exits the MiniBrowser and returns the
phone to Standby mode.
10. MENU Key: This is the right soft key. The right
soft key is used to access secondary options, or a
menu of secondary options.