One-Touch Access to your voicemail box is done by pressing
and holding . However, you must perform a simple setup
procedure in order for this feature to work. It’s easy, here it is:
1. From Standby mode, enter the number that will dial your
voicemail service. This number is determined by your
voicemail provider, but normally it is your phone number,
or your phone number with the “#” sign in front of it.
2. Once you have typed in the correct number and it appears
on the screen, press .
3. The screen prompts for a Label. Choose any option 1
through 6.
4. The screen prompts you for a name. Press to add a
new name.
5. Enter “Voicemail” for the name and press .
6. The screen prompts with the next available phone book
location. IMPORTANT - type in 229. The screen displays
“#229 is empty”. Press .
7. You’ve now stored your voicemail access number into
memory location 229. From now on, when you press and
hold the key, your phone will connect to your
voicemail box.
Note: Do not store any other number into memory location
229, or this One-Touch Access feature will no longer work.