3. Press for To Do List.
4. Using the navigation keys find the To Do List item you
want to change and press .
5. Press the digit key corresponding to the action that you
want. Your choices are New Item, Edit Item, Erase Item
and Exit.
6. Continue to add a new item, edit an existing item or erase
an existing item by following the prompts.
Have you ever wanted to know how much time it takes you to
do something, or how many minutes, hours, days and months
until a special event? The Count Down option can help you
answer these questions. You can create up to 5 Count Down
timers using the Count Down feature in Calendar.
Use this procedure the first time you program a countdown
timer or if you’ve erased them all.
1. Press to display the Main menu.
2. Press for Calendar.
3. Press for Countdown.
4. The screen prompts for a name. Enter the name of your
new countdown timer. To input text and characters refer
to “Entering Text, Numbers, or Symbols” on page 38. Press
when complete.
5. Enter the date and time that you want to count down to or
from. For example, if today’s date is November 23, 2000
and you want to know how many months, days, and hours
are left before 7:00PM February 14, 2001 enter the time
07:00PM and the date 02/14/2001.
♦ Press the volume key to toggle between AM and PM or
press for AM or for PM.
♦ countdown timers can be entered for dates up to 2099.