Note: You may need to contact your service provider to setup
the Caller ID service. Your Samsung phone will support Caller
ID as explained below.
This feature tells you who is calling you by displaying the
caller’s number when the phone rings. If a caller’s name and
number are stored in your Phone Book, the corresponding
name is also displayed. If you call someone who has this
feature, your phone number is displayed on their phone.
To block your phone number from being displayed on your
next outgoing call, follow these steps:
1. Press .
2. Enter the phone number, and then press .
To activate Block Own Number permanently contact your
service provider.
Some service providers allow you to temporarily unblock a
permanently blocked number. To temporarily unblock the
1. Press , , .
2. Enter the phone number and then press .
Note: You may need to contact your service provider to setup
the Call Waiting service. Your Samsung phone will support Call
Waiting as explained below.
Call Waiting lets you receive a second call during conversation.
When a Call Waiting call comes in, the incoming call alert
sounds (this sound is audible to you but not your first caller),
and a text notification displays.